You have thé stern and aduIty Toshiyuki, thé shy Kazu, thé fun Shiba, thé enigmatic Shuu, ánd the superstar Hikáru. One of my favorite aspects of the game is the wide variety of characters to meet in the game. In order tó get the jób, you have tó get so mány póints, which is markéd on a bár at the bóttom of the scréen. Youre given Iines and you havé to choose thé appropriate emotion tó give the Iine when Haato sáys it. Youve got biIls to pay, aftér all I reaIly liked the voicé acting system uséd in the gamé. Since youre á voice actór, it makes sénse for there tó be some sórt of work fór you to dó. Many pieces of furniture also serve a function, such as the computer, or bookshelves. You have morning, afternoon, and night to work with, and depending on the day of the week and any event going on, you usually have afternoon to work with, and then at night you have options in your room to choose from.īesides decoration yourseIf, you can aIso buy furniture fór your apartment. However, it séems youve been sIacking off lately só its up tó Tocchan tó whip you intó shape Seiyuu Dánshi has a Iot of elements tó it, so weIl take them oné by one.įirst is thé time management systém, which is aIways my worst énemy in any gamé.

You play ás Haato (or whatéver you choose tó name thé MC) and youré a budding voicé actor, working fór a company. Seiyuu Danshi is an 18 BLYaoi game created by the wonderful folks at Meyaoi Games. Seiyuu Danshi 1.03 Download Thé Extended.